Culenz is a virtual reality experience creation company, mainly serving industries like – Real estate, Travel, Tourism, automotive, events etc. Culenz provides the best virtual experience based on a client’s needs and business models.
The key person for the company’s achievement
Co- Founders of Culenz, Rajat Jain mainly looks after the company’s tech and marketing management and Abhinandan Nahata looks after the Finance and Business part. They both play a great job in the company’s Development and are the key person in the company.
Necessity for mapping the digital market
Mr. Rajat Jain thinks that it is important to map the market from what consumers think as being in an online and virtual world it has become a necessity to map the digital market amongst the consumers.
The clients of CULENZ
Their clients include – the industry from real estate, Tourism, manufacturing, etc. They have the best names in the industry with the prime minister- Mr. Modi, Ministry of Broadcasting, etc.
CULENZ is different from other virtual markets
VR is a totally raw industry right now, Culenz is using the finest technologies from all over the world and putting the best of the methods for the best experience for consumers. Their dedication to minute details is what makes them different from other virtual markets and makes them different.
Goal of the company and path to achieve it
Their main goal in this market is to connect the world with a thread with the virtual world and to bridge the distances.
Challenges faced by the company
The pandemic as usual was no different for them. Their company focused on live virtual events for the consumers so that they don’t have to go out while the pandemic hits and stops everything. Their ambition made them the most experienced VR live streaming company.
Immersive tech impacting the company
The new technology in the market enables consumers to check the products in a more detailed and organized manner. With the integration of technology like IOT monitoring and decision-making have become a fast process. They are still looking for more technologies as their aim is to provide the best services to consumers.
Obstacles in the path of the company around the digital customer market
The biggest obstacle in the path is User adaptability.
Challenges to overcome to reach where they are today
As in the current scenario, for many, VR is still a science-fiction thing, so when the consumers first saw that with their own eyes they were fascinated it was rewarding for the whole Culenz team.
Future endeavour
The future aim for Culenz is to bring new products for either personal or group communications which are first of their kind and an experience we – consumers have never seen anywhere.
Best advice given by mr. Rajat jain to our new leader
He says “One thing, consistency is key. Situations may differ but would sail you is the consistency”.